Anstey Hodge Hosts 20th Anniversary Celebration

On September 29, we hosted a celebration open house at our Service Station to commemorate our 20th year in business. Over 130 guests attended, including friends, family, neighbors, and community leaders, and enjoyed food and beverages from Schaal’s Catering and live music from the Cyrus Pace Duo. Perhaps most exciting, Roanoke Vice Mayor Joe Cobb along with City Council Members Vivian Sanchez-Jones and Stephanie Moon Reynolds presented us with a proclamation officially declaring September 29, 2023, as “Anstey Hodge Day.” 

John Anstey and David Hodge send their thanks to those who attended:  

“We’d like to thank everybody who made our 20th anniversary celebration such a fun evening and a big success. It was great to see so many friends, neighbors, family, and clients all come together to help us celebrate our 20th year in business. We couldn’t have asked for better company—or weather! And to those who celebrated with us in spirit due to working remotely or other commitments, we thank you! 

We look back on the past 20 years with so much gratitude. What started as a company of two people in 2003 with a handful of clients across town has grown to a talented team of 18 serving clients coast to coast and across the globe. How did we get here? Hard work, perseverance, persistence, lots of moral support, and a little good luck.  

We are so proud of where we’ve come from in the past 20 years—thank you for letting us share a little bit of our journey with you.  Here’s to the next 20!” 

Thank you to Ruby from Hoprich Photography for the wonderful photos!

Tandem Arts Collective Paints Mural at Anstey Hodge Service Station

After 20 years in business and 14 in our Service Station office, we knew we needed a little cosmetic update and our signature bright orange wall was the perfect place for it. We worked with Josh and Libby Nolan-Shafer from Tandem Arts Collective to come up with a mural design that tells our story and represents who we are, like: A winding road and river to represent our Roanoke roots and nationwide reach, with scenes of various communities throughout. Technical symbols, computer windows and applications we use everyday as a marketing and creative agency in 2023. And small bits of Anstey Hodge-isms: our beloved cats, shop shirts, “hold please” (our Director of Client Services’ signature saying), and much more.

Josh and Libby brought our vision to life perfectly—and our team all got to contribute a brush stroke or two. Thank you, Josh and Libby—we absolutely LOVE the final result!

Watch our time-lapse video to see several days of work come together in under 2 minutes.